Sorry for being silent for awhile. Spring quarter was pretty busy at DU, but now summer is here and my schedule has freed up quite a bit. There's a few interesting things things on my agenda looking forward and I plan to post at least once a week from now on.
For now, I just want to tell you that my colleague, Cindi Fukami, and I recently had our third teaching case on CBMS accepted for publication in the Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Entitled "Colorado Benefits Management System (C): The Problem That Won’t Go Away", it covers the status of CBMS up to early 2011. We published our first case covering the botched conversion of CBMS in September of 2004, and the second case chronically its continuing problems as of the middle of 2006.
The way teaching cases work, if there is a follow-on case on the same topic, it's called the B case and if there is another it's called the C case and so on. Each case has a teaching note, available only to profs, that offers guidelines for structuring a class discussion. At the close of the teaching note for our latest case, which focuses on the problems and inept attempts to correct them from mid-2006 until 2011, we ask the students to ponder this question: "Will there be a D case?"
If you'd like to see any of the cases, please send me an email at [email protected] and I'll forward a copy to you.